{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "SaskatchewanJurisdictions", "guid": "B9523DA7-0D9C-4470-A92A-9B1E9FAC1D9A", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "These four layers provide a definitive indication of primary sub-provincial jurisdiction. They form a tessellating coverage without gap or overlap. Users are encouraged to use this dataset for analysis requiring \u201cas legislated\u201d boundaries. ", "description": "The ISC SaskGIS Cadastral dataset is a copy of the cadastral view layers that are continuously maintained within Information Services Corporation's (ISC) integrated spatial database.\n\nOut \u2013 ISC data excluded from this layer as published:\n\u2022\tAT \u2013 Authority, which overlap with other jurisdictions and are not a jurisdiction in their own right \n \nIn \u2013 ISC data included in this layer as published:\nThe Parks Act, The Historic Sites Regulations and The Recreation Sites Regulations, 1991\n\u2022\tHP \u2013 Historic Parks (The Parks Act 4(2) and Part A of Schedule I)\n\u2022\tHS \u2013 Historic Sites (The Parks Act 7 and The Historic Sites Regulations)\n\u2022\tNE \u2013 Natural Environment Parks (The Parks Act 4(4) and Part C of Schedule I)\n\u2022\tPR \u2013 Protected Areas (The Parks Act 5(1) and Schedule II)\n\u2022\tRP \u2013 Recreation Parks (The Parks Act 4(3) and Part B of Schedule I)\n\u2022\tRS \u2013 Recreation Sites (The Parks Act 6 and The Recreation Sites Regulations, 1991)\n\u2022\tWP \u2013 Wilderness Parks (The Parks Act 4(5) and Part D of Schedule I) \n \nThe Canada National Parks Act\n\u2022\tNP \u2013 National Parks (The Canada National Parks Act Schedule 1 Part 3) \n \nThe National Historic Sites of Canada Order \n\u2022\tNP \u2013 National Historic Sites (the boundaries are gazetted in the Schedule of the National Historic Sites of Canada Order, available at https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/PDF/C.R.C.,_c._1112.pdf. The National Historic Sites of Canada Order is enabled under Section 42 of the Canada National Parks Act https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/PDF/N-14.01.pdf.) \n \nProvincial parks are created on Provincial Crown land for purposes as described in The Parks Act and Regulations including:\n \nProvincial parks\nThe Parks Act 4(2) historic parks\u2026 to be used primarily for the preservation of prehistoric and historic resources and for the interpretation of prehistoric and historic themes.\nThe Parks Act 4(3) recreation parks\u2026 to be used primarily for the pursuit of outdoor recreational activities in a natural setting.\nThe Parks Act 4(4) natural environment parks\u2026 to be used primarily for the pursuit of outdoor recreational activities that are consistent with the protection of natural landscapes.\nThe Parks Act 4(5) wilderness parks\u2026 to be used primarily for the preservation of natural landscapes in a natural state and the pursuit of outdoor recreational activities that are consistent with that use.\nThe Parks Act 5(2) Protected areas\u2026 to be used primarily for the protection and preservation of their natural, prehistoric or historic resources of interest or significance.\n \nProvincial recreation sites\nThe Parks Act 6 recreation site any Crown lands that the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers suitable for recreational purposes.\n \nProvincial historic sites\nThe Parks Act 7 historic site any Crown lands that the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers contain significant prehistoric or historic resources.\n", "summary": "These four layers provide a definitive indication of primary sub-provincial jurisdiction. They form a tessellating coverage without gap or overlap. Users are encouraged to use this dataset for analysis requiring \u201cas legislated\u201d boundaries. ", "title": "SaskatchewanJurisdictions", "tags": [ "Saskatchewan", "Jurisdictions" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -111.555778587921, 48.8909275239022 ], [ -100.225856054673, 60.094513325874 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_13N", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "Not intended for cartographic use" }